What does this update bring? Well, looking at the site the work going on gives some indication that it’s not just a ride removal.
Firstly looking straight at the ride we can see the majority of the drop has been removed in full sections with the splash pool completely removed. All the parts that have been removed have been stacked to the side.
Taking a wider look at the area fencing has been erected leading up to the lake, making the area sectioned off a huge area for development. Now we say development because we can see ground-level reference points dotted about and they are located from the greater flamingos right the way around to the lion viewing bridge and continue into the station. This could be a sign we might see the removal or changes to the station area in the coming weeks, but the rest of the ride remains untouched.
Over on our socials, we have seen numerous comments about what work is taking place but with the park not releasing any information we are just reporting on what we can see during our visit and will continue. Hopefully Flamingo Land will give an update on what they are planning soon.