
Chickens are domesticated birds of the species Gallus gallus domesticus, originating from wild junglefowl native to Asia. 

Physical Characteristics: Chickens come in a variety of breeds, each with its unique characteristics in terms of size, colour, feather type, and temperament. They typically have a plump body covered in feathers, a small comb on top of their head, and a beak adapted for pecking and foraging. Chickens also have a distinctive red wattle, a fleshy protuberance under the chin, which can vary in size and shape depending on the breed.

Habitat: Chickens are highly adaptable birds that are kept in a wide range of environments worldwide, including farms, backyards, and urban settings. They thrive in areas with access to food, water, shelter, and space to roam and forage. Domestic chickens are descended from junglefowl that inhabited the forests of Southeast Asia, and they retain some of their wild ancestors’ behaviours and instincts.

Diet: Chickens are omnivores, feeding on a variety of plant and animal materials. Their diet includes grains, seeds, insects, worms, fruits, and vegetables. Chickens are natural foragers, scratching and pecking at the ground in search of food, and they require a balanced diet to support their growth, egg production, and overall health.

Behaviour: Chickens are social animals that typically form flocks consisting of a dominant rooster, or cock, and several hens. They communicate with each other through vocalizations such as clucking, crowing, and squawking, as well as through body language such as wing flapping, preening, and posturing. Chickens are also known for their dust-bathing behaviour, which helps to keep their feathers clean and free of parasites.

Reproduction: Breeding in chickens typically occurs year-round, with hens laying eggs in nests constructed of straw, leaves, or other materials. Fertilized eggs develop into chicks after an incubation period of around 21 days, during which the hen incubates the eggs by sitting on them to keep them warm. Chicks hatch with downy feathers and are cared for by their mother until they are old enough to fend for themselves.

Conservation Status: Domestic chickens are not considered endangered, as they are widely bred and raised for food and other purposes around the world. However, certain traditional breeds of chickens may be at risk of declining populations due to changes in agricultural practices, loss of genetic diversity, and competition from commercial breeds. Efforts to conserve rare and heritage chicken breeds focus on breeding programs, genetic preservation, and promoting sustainable farming practices.

Overall, chickens are versatile and valuable animals that have been domesticated for thousands of years. Whether as sources of food, companionship, or cultural significance, chickens play important roles in human societies and economies worldwide.

Chicken Gallery


Location - Zoo
Threat Status - Least Concerned

Yellow-footed Rock Wallaby

Bird Show
