The Lost River Ride

Construction Updates

Closing The Gap!

We are back with a new update! our last update was back in July, since then, we have made multiple visits and followed the progress. now, looking at the photos, it might appear not a lot has taken place, but work on the rides station and drop are restricted along with the new sea lion enclosure. The main talking point on this update will be… the lift hill and that rather large strange-looking unit placed on the top! 

As you will have seen in the previous update, there had been a gap between the lift hill and the water trough, rumours had started that Simworkx would be involved in the design and installation of an immersive tunnel. Currently, we still can’t confirm if these rumours are true but the progress on the ride is leading us to believe it could be! 

During July, steel supports were erected and created a structure around the “gap” at the top of the lift hill and throughout August into September, we saw more steel and supports added to the point it’s at today!

We now can see the framework has had cladding installed, creating an enclosed unit with openings at the front and rear for the track to pass through. 

With all the alterations to the ride, we are expecting a new colour scheme/design to happen and make all the elements of the ride blend in. 

The ride access stairs on the lift hill and guard rails have been installed. The drop is now complete, with what looks to be the splash run getting installed. The water reserve pool has been moved and now runs parallel with the lion enclosure and speculation on the enclosure wall that had been removed, looks like it will be an “open” enclosure very similar to the Cheetahs enclosure design.

Work is still ongoing with the redesign of the lion enclosure, the new viewing area will give good visibility of the lions along with the existing viewing windows and the new viewpoint from the hippo platform. 

Lastly, we are taking a look at the station, entrance and gift shop. Due to the new layout for the queue lines the old kiosk looks to be the ride’s new entrance and gift shop, over the last few months we have seen this transform into an enclosed building and it now has some cool designs inside. The living roof is now completed and where we questioned the station roof we can confirm this is going to have the same design.

As we mentioned before, the rest of the ride and construction site has been closed off and with no access to that area we are kind of in the dark but from what we have heard it’s going to look fantastic. 

This is a huge project for flamingo land and covers a new mangabey house, sea lion enclosure, lion enclosure alterations, lost river ride and re-routing pathways and daktari express. We are certainly looking forward to the final result!